Get the decentrality of  the internet back

Today big companies like Facebook and Google own the internet. You want to do something, but you feel like a fish in the ocean? Trinami is a plan to get the control back over the internet. But first of all, we must stay in contact.

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Tricrypt is a RISC-V, Rust based, full specified Crypto Hardware. This military standard ensures a strong encryption. It will also include a QRNG (Quantum Random Number Generator).

Full specified

From the transistors in the CPU to the encryption algorithms, is everything specified.

Secure cryptosystem

We combine different symmetric, asymmetric and hash cryptosystems.


Everyone is able to build a Tricrypt. We will always sell for the lowest production price we know.

Coming soon...

We are working on it! Join us to get news. There is also the possibility to pre-order.

A secure internet needs a secure OS

Trinami OS is a OpenBSD based Live System. It is a solid ground on which we can work for a really secure internet.



We have also Game Servers where we spend our freetime.


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Minecraft without lags

We combine the power of multiple bungeecord servers.

Server wide, lifetime ranks

If you buy a rank it is for Arma, Minecraft and co! There is no time limit! Buy now

Be a part of Trinami

As a member you get involved into the fight for a really secure internet! You have the right to vote, are invited to discussions or campaigns.

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